- Team Member Names: Jessie, Quinn, Ami, Michael, Caroline
- Deliverables: Project Proposal
- Started our research interviews with inner + outer loop developers!!
- Gained insight on potential problems we could address w/ AI.
- Learned more about Red Hat products, Openshift, and testing infrastructures.
- Advocating for ourselves on our project notebook grade.
- There is a lot technical terms we are trying to understand in our interviews, hindering us from fully understanding developer’s workflow.
- Synthesizing information from research + trying to narrow down our scope / problem we want to solve.
- Hard time understanding Red Hat Products and how products in the outer loop works.
What are you going to do to address challenges?
- We talked to Beau and Emma about our challenges this Monday and they offered to bring in experts on their project management and engineering team to help us!
- We will continue our research of Red Hat Products and understand developer’s pain points.